In this article, you will learn how to make a Laser Security System with SMS Alerts. This laser security system will send an SMS and starts alarming with its buzzer when an intrusion is detected.
Components Required
- Arduino UNO
- SIM800L Module
- IC555
- BC547 Transistors – 2
- LDR (1M Ohm) and Laser
- Buzzer
- 100k, 1k, 10k Resistors – 2 each
- 20k Resistor -1
- 47uF/16V Capacitor -1
Laser Security System with SMS Alerts Circuit
Laser Security System with SMS Alerts
Circuit Working
In the above circuit, the main sensor to detect the intrusion is LDR. LDR is known as Light Dependent Resistor where the conductivity varies based on light falling on it. Whenever the light falls on the LDR or the intensity of light is high then LDR resistance will decrease and vice versa.
Whenever an obstacle comes between LDR and laser, there will be a change in resistance of the LDR which triggers the IC555. The output from IC555 is fed to PIN10 as input of Arduino. This input read by Arduino will turn ON the buzzer and send SMS via the SIM800L module.
Arduino Code
You can refer to more Arduino Projects here.
Video Demo
Credits: Magnum Technical Academy
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